Language Teachers Unite Newsletter Vol. 6

6th edition

🌐🎉 Let’s explore these handpicked web wonders for Language Teachers like you:

  • 🧡 3 Safe Ways to Integrate AI into Your Language Classroom 🤖

  • ACTFL statement, students and their phones in the classroom and oral communicative performance – Top Articles 📰

  • What are language teachers twitting? 🐦

Safely Integrate AI Into Your Language Classroom

🧡 3 Safe Ways To Integrate AI Into Your Language Classroom 🤖

When it comes to integrating AI into our classroom, we’re likely to hesitate and think things like:

“Is AI dangerous?”, “Is AI a threat?”, “Is AI safe for my students?”.

As language teachers, we want to protect their privacy and make sure that the AI tools we use are a safe place for them.

So, can we relate AI with safety? Good news is that it’s totally doable by knowing:

  • How to test AI tools’ safety 🧪

  • 3 key points regarding data collection 🔒

  • The 3 safest ways to integrate AI into your language classroom 🧡

✨ Top Articles 📰

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Share a challenge or success

What’s something that’s going well or not well in your classroom this week?

Tell us in the comments below!